Wednesday 20 July 2011

Rough Plan Of Shots

Me and my group have sat down to create a rough shot list for our music video and created a simple storyboard that was going to help us when it came to filming our music video. We have looked at the different shots for both performance ad narative. We have looked at different shot types including different angles that we are hoping to include within our music video.
Shot List

Location: Classroom

Types of shot: Performance
-        Close up shot – straight ahead
-        Close up shot – from the left side
-        Close up shot – from the right side
-        Medium shot – straight ahead
-        Medium shot – from the left side
-        Medium shot – from the right side
-        Tracking shot – forward and back
-        Tracking shot – around the main singer
-        Extreme close up – from the side of her mouth

Location: Classroom

Types of shot: Narrative
-        Long shot – from the left side
-        Long shot – straight ahead
-        Medium shot – straight ahead on main girl with girls behind her
-        Medium shot – from the side “                          “
-        Close up – straight ahead of main singer and other pupils
-        Tracking shot – around the action within the classroom
-        Tracking shot – in and out of the action
-        Extreme close up – straight ahead of singers face
-        Tracking shot – in and out and around Romy as she sings

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